P&T committee

supporting the healthcare team's ability to deliver safe and effective, high-quality pharmaceuticals and therapeutic


prior to requesting a new drug or therapeutic, please prepare by gathering the following information:

  • Requesting Doctor:
  • Requesting Doctor's Department:
  • Requesting Doctor's Medical Director:
  • Location(s) Requesting for:
  • Name of Drug:
  • Form of Drug (injectable, tablet, liquid, topical):
  • Indications/Planned use/Disease it treats:
  • Would this drug replace any current medications administered/dispensed?
  • How many patients do you anticipate will be prescribed or use this medication on per month? 
  • What is the typical amount prescribed/used per patient use (MGs, MLs, Tablets, etc.)? and if unknown, please indicate.
  • Is this available Commercially or Compounded? If unknown, please indicate
  • Will this be used in-house only, dispensed for at-home use only, or combination?
  • Is there any special handling needed with this drug? If unknown, please indicate.


  • Requesting Team Member:
  • Requesting Team Member email:
  • Date Submitted:
  • Requesting Doctor's Department:
  • Location(s) Requesting for:
  • Supply request: what are you looking for?
  • Product Supply Name:
  • Is this a product we currently carry? If yes, what product will the new product replace? Why is the new product better than what is being used currently?
  • If we do not currently carry the product, how will this improve patient care or otherwise benefit our care or service delivery?
  • When and how often will the product be used?
  • Is there a specific vendor from whom you'd like to source the product? If yes, who?
  • Are clients charged for the product?

New Drug or Therapeutic Request Form

These best practice protocols for drug dilutions commonly used in our hospitals are provided for a quick accessible reference as you prescribe and deliver injectable medications to patients. The protocol information includes alternative drug names, indications, dosages, tips for reconstitution/dilution, administration recommendations, compatibility notes, contraindications, adverse effects, storage, and additional comments. If you have questions about a protocol, or suggestions for additional drugs, please email ptcommittee@medvet.com.

Drug Dilution Guide

Coming Soon!

About the Pharmacy & Therapeutics CommitTee

The Pharmacy & Therapeutics committee contributes to MedVet's mission, Leading Specialty Healthcare for Pets, several ways.

  • Overseeing the development and delivery of drug and blood product inventory dashboards to local and regional healthcare team leaders to facilitate drug redistribution, create awareness of back-ordered, recalled, or discontinued items. P&T committee will work with hospital and specialty leaders to identify acceptable short and/or long-term replacements.   
  • Communicating Formulary Changes to Clinical Teams in the event of a back-ordered or discontinued drug by creating and distributing an informational piece related to utilization of the newly added product including indications, handling, and dispensing requirements.   
  • Maximizing Safety Related to Dangerous Drugs by raising the Healthcare team's awareness of the potential dangers as well as increasing their understanding of handling processes as they relate to HMS naming schemes, dosage form, and packaging alerts posing threats to patient safety or increasing the potential for dosing or administration errors

  • Maintaining the MedVet Formulary 
  • Maintaining a Written Drug Handling Procedures, Dilutions, and Dispensing Guide supporting best practice related to the handling and dilutions of dangerous drugs for in-hospital use and those dispensed for at-home use.   
  • Disseminating information about the Safe and Appropriate Use of Compounded Medications in accordance with Federal and State Regulations.  
  • Developing and Distributing Educational Information to assist the MedVet Healthcare Team and MedVet's Referral Partners with topics such as using opioids and dangerous medications, identifying medication alternatives (such as during a back-order or shortage), providing information about newly approved medications, and/or FDA recall notifications.